He stood looking out the window watching the rain forcing its way through the atmosphere. Large rain drops pounded the glass and Streams of water clouded his vision, yet he strained to see her from afar his golden angel. Of course, she couldn’t appear from across the sea. Somehow wishful thinking got hold of him, and he strained all the more. When will he meet her? His mind kept asking that question a question that seemed to have no answer.
The series starts with Nadia, a beautiful Russian woman, fleeing for her life from the country she loves. Borg, a red mafia hit man, wants his revenge for what Nadia has done to him.
She meets Mike Steel, a private investigator, over the Internet and lures him to help her leave Russia and come to the United States. Is she just using him or does a true love affair develop between them? Does Borg ever stop wanting to kill Nadia? Will she be able to stop running from him?
The Nadia Series has action, suspense and love affairs throughout its pages. It will keep the reader on their toes and want to finish the story. What happens to Nadia and Mike along with Borg and the red mafia?
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Gary P Laird

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